For those with grand aspirations, whether it is studying at a French university or pursuing a dream career like Emily in Paris, the allure of the future is undeniably tempting students.

However, it is crucial to navigating the day-to-day activities, which include everything from grabbing coffee and croissants to actively participating in class or workplace banter. Do not feel left out due to language barriers; become an integral part of your surroundings by mastering the language and communicating with ease.

Benefits of learning French for Students

Studying at Foreign Universities

Many universities in France and other French-speaking countries offer excellent academic programs in various fields. Knowing French can help students navigate through daily activities, communicate with classmates and professors, and immerse themselves in the local culture. It can also be helpful for students who plan to pursue graduate studies or research in a French-speaking country.

Business Opportunities by Learning French

French is widely used in international business, especially in the fields of fashion, luxury goods, and tourism. Knowing French can open doors to global job opportunities and increase the chances of success in international business ventures. It can also provide a competitive advantage in job markets that require knowledge of multiple languages.

Great for Credit Building

Learning French can also be beneficial for students who are looking to build their academic records. Many universities offer credits for language courses, which can help students meet their language requirements and boost their GPA.

Appreciating French Arts, Culture and Heritage

Learning French offers numerous tangible and intangible benefits, including gaining an appreciation for France's rich cultural and historical heritage, enabling individuals to immerse themselves in French arts, music, literature, history, and philosophy, and develop a broader understanding of the world.

Enhancing Cognitive Skills

Learning a new language can enhance cognitive skills such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. It can also improve language skills in the student's native language and make it easier to learn other languages in the future.

In conclusion, learning French can provide numerous benefits for students, from academic and professional advancement to cultural enrichment and personal growth. It is a valuable investment in their future that can open doors to new opportunities and experiences.

Learning Modules

Our objective is to empower individuals with the ability to confidently converse and express their day-to-day needs in a foreign country. We strive to facilitate easy navigation of new cities through language and social interaction. With our learning module, individuals will never get lost in translation or be surprised by incorrect orders at restaurants. They will always be in the loop of conversations and have a genuine appreciation for the culture and traditions of the new country. Our curriculum covers everything from restaurant etiquette to hotel reservations, self-introduction to transportation, and more. In summary, Parlons ensures that learners will be well-prepared for a successful trip to a French-speaking country or further studies in the French language.

Basic Learning Modules

The topics that I would like to cover in my learning modules are as follows:

Leçon1 : Réservation
Lesson 1 : Hotel Reservation

Bonjour! L’hôtel Méridien?
Goodmorning! Is it the Méridien hotel?
Je m’appelle Sachin.
I am Sachin
Je voudrais réserver une chambre.
I would like to reserve a room
Pour combien de nuits Monsieur?
For how many nights Sir?
3 nuits s’il vous plaît!
3 nights please
Et quelles sont les dates Monsieur?
What are the dates Sir?
Du 07 au 09 Janvier.
From 07 to 09 January
Vous payez en ligne ou par carte?
You are paying online or by credit card?
En ligne s’il vous plaît.
Online please
Envoyez-moi les détails de paiment s’il vous plaît?
Please send me the payment details.
Bien-sûr Monsieur!
Certainly Sir
Je vous envoie aussi un formulaire à remplir.
I shall send you also a form to be filled in by you
Ok. Merci!
ok, thank you
Merci Monsieur ! Bonne Journée !
Thank you Sir. Have a Good Day

Leçon 2(A) : Se Présenter
Lesson 2(A) : To Introduce Oneself

Formulaire à remplir
Fill in the form
Numéro de contact
Telephone Number
Adresse Email
Email address
Carte d’Identité
ID card
Carte de crédit
Credit Card
Date d’arrivée
Arrival date
Date de départ
Company Name

Leçon 2(B) : Se Présenter
Lesson 2(B) : Dialogue to Introduce Oneself

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Virat. J’ai 24 ans.
Goodmorning, I am Virat, I am 24 years
Je suis indien.
I am Indian
J’habite à Goa, en Inde.
I stay in Goa, India
Je suis célibataire
I am a bachelor
Je suis ingénieur à Tata Motors.
I am an engineer in Tata Motors
Je parle hindi, anglais et un peu français.
I speak hindi, english and a little bit of french
J’aime aller aux plages et au théâtre, regarder les filmes et écouter de la musique.
I like going to beaches, theatres, watching movies and listening music
Je n’aime pas jouer au foot et faire les courses.
I do not like to play football and running errands
Enchanté de faire votre connaisance!
Pleased to meet you!


No, you don't need any prior knowledge of French to enroll in our courses. Our modules are designed for beginners and cover everything from the basics to more advanced concepts.

Preparing and conducting a French course depends on the requirements of a learner. There are 2 possibilities for a novice learner-

  • Regular course, Duration: 120 to 160 hours (i.e 4 to 5 months) for Beginners (A1 level) and for someone who knows basic French (A2 level)
  • Crash course, Duration: 30 to 40 hours (1 to 1 and half months) is designed for someone who wants to learn basic French (speaking & understanding) quickly for a specific reason like traveling to France.
    There are advanced levels of learning also if a student has mastered the basics.

We understand that every individual has different learning styles and requirements. Our personalized approach to teaching ensures that we cater to your individual needs. Ruchi is highly experienced, thus provides individual attention and personalized feedback to help you improve your language skills.

Yes, we offer online courses that provide you with the flexibility to learn from the comfort of your home or office. Our online courses are live and interactive, so you get the same level of engagement as our offline classes.

Our fees vary depending on the course and duration. We offer flexible payment options to make learning affordable for everyone. Contact us for more details on our fees and payment options.

We are proud to have a high success rate in helping our students achieve their language goals. Our personalized approach to teaching has helped many of our students become proficient in French and achieving their academic and career goals.

Our courses cover everything from basic French vocabulary and grammar to more advanced concepts like effective communication skills and cultural nuances.

Yes, our courses are designed to help you develop the necessary skills to communicate confidently in French. We focus on practical communication skills that you can use in real-life situations.

Yes, we offer additional support outside of classroom hours through online resources, one-on-one sessions with our instructor, and interactive practice exercises.

Don't let the language barrier hold you back from achieving your dreams. Enroll in our courses today and start your journey towards becoming a confident French speaker!

Take the next step toward your skill.

Apply Now